Getting started

Octocon provides a Discord bot that acts as a companion to the Octocon app, providing additional features such as alter proxying (similar to Tupperbox or PluralKit) in addition to providing a slash-command interface for the app's base features.

Adding the bot to your server

To add the Octocon bot to your server, you can use this invite link.

Registering an account

To get started with the bot, you will first need to register an account using one of the following methods:

  • Register a new account: You can register a new account directly from Discord using the /register slash command.
  • Link an existing account: If you previously registered an account using the Octocon app, you can link that account to your Discord account by TODO.

Using the bot

All interactions with the Octocon bot are done through slash commands, a modern Discord feature. All slash commands you execute are only visible to you and the bot, so you don't have to worry about spamming your server with bot commands or other users seeing your private data.

You can see a list of all available slash commands by typing / in any text channel where the bot is present (like your server or in DMs with the bot). Each command will have a brief description of what it does, but you can also learn more about each command with our command reference.

Quick start

After you've registered an account, try executing the following commands:

  • /system me: View your profile information.
  • /alter create name:Name: Create a new alter with the given name. If this is your first alter, they will be given the ID 1.
  • /alter list: See your new alter in your alter list.
  • /alter edit id:1 description:Your description here pronouns:they/them: Edit your alter's description and pronouns.
  • /front add id:1 comment:Hello: Add the alter with ID 1 to front with comment "Hello."
  • /front list: See the alter in your front list.
  • /front end id:1: Remove the alter from front.
  • /alter proxy add id:1 prefix:a-: Add a new proxy to the alter with the prefix "a-".
  • /autoproxy mode:latch: Enable autoproxy in "latch" mode.
  • a-Hello (No command): Send a message with the text "Hello" as the alter with the new proxy.
  • Message two (No command): Send a message with the text "Message two" as the same alter (since autoproxy is set to "latch").
  • /alter delete id:1: Delete the alter.

This is just a small taste of what the Octocon bot can do! For a full list of commands and their usage, see our command reference.