Importing data

Octocon provides a way to import your existing alters from PluralKit or Simply Plural. This allows you to easily transition to Octocon without having to manually re-enter all your alters.

If you'd like to do this from the app instead of the Discord bot, see that respective section of the documentation.

Note: If you have any issues with the import process from either platform, please reach out to our Discord community for assistance.

Importing from PluralKit

To import your alters from PluralKit, you will need to use the /settings import-pk command. This command requires a token parameter, which you can obtain by DMing the PluralKit bot with the pk;token command. Once you have the token, paste it into the token field of the command and execute it.

The bot will then import all your alters from PluralKit into Octocon. Do note that it may take a few minutes for all of your data to be imported, especially if you have a large number of alters in PluralKit.

Importing from Simply Plural

To import your alters from Simply Plural, you will need to use the /settings import-sp command. This command requires a token parameter, which you can obtain by following these steps:

  • Open the Simply Plural app
  • Open the side menu drawer and click the settings gear in the top right
  • Navigate to the Account -> Tokens section
  • Click the + Add Token button, check the Read permission, and click the new + Add Token button at the bottom of the screen
  • Tap "Yes" three times to confirm the token creation, then click the copy button on the left of the new token to copy it to your clipboard.

Once you have the token, paste it into the token field of the command and execute it. The bot will then import all your alters from Simply Plural into Octocon. Do note that it may take a few minutes for all of your data to be imported, especially if you have a large number of alters in Simply Plural.