
The Octocon bot provides a variety of commands to interact with the app's features. The following is an exhaustive list of all available commands, along with a brief description of what they do and an example.

Table of contents

Basic commands


Register a new Octocon account using the current Discord account.

If you already have an account with Google that you would like to link to this Discord account, you should NOT use this command. Instead, log in with Google on the app and link your Discord account from the app's settings.


Sets your global autoproxy status. Learn more about autoproxying and its various modes here.

The following modes are available:

  • none: No autoproxying will be done.
  • front: You will automatically proxy as the primary fronting alter, or the longest fronting alter if no primary front is set.
  • latch: You will automatically proxy as the last alter you proxied as.


  • mode (text, required): The new autoproxy mode.


  • /autoproxy mode:latch - Set your global autoproxy mode to latch.


  • /register - Register a new account using the current Discord account. Fails if an account already exists.

Alter commands

/alter list

Lists all of your alters. If you have more than 20 alters, a paginated list will be displayed. Click the back and forward buttons to navigate between pages.

If paginated, the list will "expire" after 10 minutes and you will not be able to navigate between pages unless you run the command again.


  • /alter list - List all of your alters.

/alter create

Creates a new alter with the specified name. Names do not have to be unique.

By default, the alter will have their security set to Private.


  • name (text, required): The name of the new alter. Must be no more than 80 characters long.


  • /alter create name:Atlas - Create a new alter named Atlas.

/alter delete

Deletes the alter with the specified numerical ID.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to delete.


  • /alter delete id:3 - Delete the alter corresponding to the ID 3.

/alter view

Displays detailed information about the alter with the specified numerical ID.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to view.


  • /alter view id:3 - View detailed information about the alter corresponding to the ID 3.

/alter edit

Edits the alter with the specified numerical ID. This is the primary way to change an alter's basic data, notably their name, description, pronouns, and color. You can combine multiple parameters to edit in a single command.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to edit.
  • name (text, optional): The new name of the alter. Must be no more than 80 characters long.
  • description (text, optional): The new description of the alter. Must be no more than 3000 characters long.
  • pronouns (text, optional): The new pronouns of the alter. Must be no more than 50 characters long.
  • color (text, optional): The new color of the alter. Must be a valid hex color code (e.g. #FF0000).


  • /alter edit id:3 name:Atlas - Change the name of the alter corresponding to the ID 3 to Atlas.
  • /alter edit id:3 description:This is a new description color:#FF0000 - Change the description and color of the alter corresponding to the ID 3. (You can combine multiple parameters in a single command.)

/alter proxy add

Adds a new proxy for the alter with the specified numerical ID. Learn more about proxies here.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to add a proxy for.
  • prefix (text, optional): The prefix for the proxy.
  • suffix (text, optional): The suffix for the proxy.


  • /alter proxy add id:3 prefix:a- - Add a new proxy for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 with the prefix a-, e.g. a-Message here.
  • /alter proxy add id:3 suffix:-b - Add a new proxy for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 with the suffix -b, e.g. Message here-b.
  • /alter proxy add id:3 prefix:a- suffix:-b - Add a new proxy for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 with the prefix a- and suffix -b, e.g. a-Message here-b.

/alter proxy remove

Removes the proxy with the given prefix and/or suffix from the alter with the specified numerical ID.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to remove a proxy from.
  • prefix (text, optional): The prefix of the proxy to remove.
  • suffix (text, optional): The suffix of the proxy to remove.


  • /alter proxy remove id:3 prefix:a- - Remove the proxy with the prefix a- from the alter corresponding to the ID 3.
  • /alter proxy remove id:3 suffix:-b - Remove the proxy with the suffix -b from the alter corresponding to the ID 3.
  • /alter proxy remove id:3 prefix:a- suffix:-b - Remove the proxy with the prefix a- and suffix -b from the alter corresponding to the ID 3.

/alter proxy set

Sets the proxy for the alter with the specified numerical ID. This will delete all of the alter's existing proxies if they have any.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to set a proxy for.
  • prefix (text, optional): The prefix for the proxy.
  • suffix (text, optional): The suffix for the proxy.


  • /alter proxy set id:3 prefix:a- - Set the proxy for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 with the prefix a-.
  • /alter proxy set id:3 suffix:-b - Set the proxy for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 with the suffix -b.
  • /alter proxy set id:3 prefix:a- suffix:-b - Set the proxy for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 with the prefix
  • a- and suffix -b.

/alter proxy clear

Clears (deletes) all of the proxies for the alter with the specified numerical ID.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to clear the proxies for.


  • /alter proxy clear id:3 - Clear all of the proxies for the alter corresponding to the ID 3.

/alter security

Sets the security level for the alter with the specified numerical ID. Learn more about alter security here. The security level can be one of the following:

  • Public: The alter is visible to everyone.
  • Trusted friends only: The alter is only visible to friends that are marked as trusted friends.
  • Friends only: The alter is only visible to friends.
  • Private: The alter is only visible to you.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to set the security level for.
  • level (text, required): The new security level for the alter.


  • /alter security id:3 level:Public - Set the security level for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 to Public.

/alter avatar set

Uploads and sets the avatar for the alter with the specified numerical ID. The avatar must be a .png, .jpeg, or .gif file.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to set the avatar for.
  • avatar (file attachment, required): The avatar to set for the alter.


  • /alter avatar set id:3 avatar:myfile.png - Set the avatar for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 to the uploaded attachment.

/alter avatar remove

Removes the avatar for the alter with the specified numerical ID.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to remove the avatar for.


  • /alter avatar remove id:3 - Remove the avatar for the alter corresponding to the ID 3.

Front commands

/front view

Lists your currently fronting alters. If you have more than 20 fronters, a paginated list will be displayed. Click the back and forward buttons to navigate between pages.

If paginated, the list will "expire" after 10 minutes and you will not be able to navigate between pages unless you run the command again.


  • /front view - List all of your currently fronting alters.

/front add

Adds the alter with the specified numerical ID to front if they are not already fronting.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to add to front.
  • comment (text, optional): A comment to add to the front. Must be no more than 50 characters long.
  • set-primary (yes/no, optional): If True, the alter will be set as primary front.


  • /front add id:3 - Add the alter corresponding to the ID 3 to front.
  • /front add id:3 comment:At school - Add the alter corresponding to the ID 3 to front with the comment At school.
  • /front add id:3 set-primary:True - Add the alter corresponding to the ID 3 to front and set them as primary front.
  • /front add id:3 comment:At school set-primary:True - Add the alter corresponding to the ID 3 to front with the comment At school and set them as primary front.

/front end

Ends the front for the alter with the specified numerical ID.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter whose front to end.


  • /front end id:3 - End the front for the alter corresponding to the ID 3.

/front set

Sets the front for the alter with the specified numerical ID. This will end the front for all other alters.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to set the front for.
  • comment (text, optional): A comment to add to the front. Must be no more than 50 characters long.
  • set-primary (yes/no, optional): If True, the alter will be set as primary front.


  • /front set id:3 - Set the front for the alter corresponding to the ID 3.
  • /front set id:3 comment:At school - Set the front for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 with the comment At school.
  • /front set id:3 set-primary:True - Set the front for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 and set them as primary front.
  • /front set id:3 comment:At school set-primary:True - Set the front for the alter corresponding to the ID 3 with the comment At school and set them as primary front.

/front primary

Sets the primary front to the alter with the specified numerical ID. This alter must be fronting.


  • id (number, required): The numerical ID of the alter to set as primary front.


  • /front primary id:3 - Set the primary front to the alter corresponding to the ID 3.

/front remove-primary

Removes the primary front.


  • /front remove-primary - Remove the primary front.

Friend commands

/friend list

Lists all of your friends. If you have more than 20 friends, a paginated list will be displayed. Click the back and forward buttons to navigate between pages.

If paginated, the list will "expire" after 10 minutes and you will not be able to navigate between pages unless you run the command again.


  • /friend list - List all of your friends.

/friend add

Sends a friend request to the user with the specified system ID or username.


  • system-id (text, optional): The system ID of the user to send a friend request to.
  • username (text, optional): The username of the user to send a friend request to.


  • /friend add system-id:abcdefg - Send a friend request to the user with the system ID abcdefg.
  • /friend add username:Atlas - Send a friend request to the user with the username Atlas.

/friend cancel

Cancels the friend request to the user with the specified system ID or username.


  • system-id (text, optional): The system ID of the user to cancel the friend request to.
  • username (text, optional): The username of the user to cancel the friend request to.


  • /friend cancel system-id:abcdefg - Cancel the friend request to the user with the system ID abcdefg.
  • /friend cancel username:Atlas - Cancel the friend request to the user with the username Atlas.

/friend accept

Accepts the friend request from the user with the specified system ID or username.


  • system-id (text, optional): The system ID of the user to accept the friend request from.
  • username (text, optional): The username of the user to accept the friend request from.


  • /friend accept system-id:abcdefg - Accept the friend request from the user with the system ID abcdefg.
  • /friend accept username:Atlas - Accept the friend request from the user with the username Atlas.

/friend reject

Rejects the friend request from the user with the specified system ID or username.


  • system-id (text, optional): The system ID of the user to reject the friend request from.
  • username (text, optional): The username of the user to reject the friend request from.


  • /friend reject system-id:abcdefg - Reject the friend request from the user with the system ID abcdefg.
  • /friend reject username:Atlas - Reject the friend request from the user with the username Atlas.

/friend list-requests

Lists all of your incoming and outgoing friend requests. If you have more than 20 friend requests, a paginated list will be displayed. Click the back and forward buttons to navigate between pages.

If paginated, the list will "expire" after 10 minutes and you will not be able to navigate between pages unless you run the command again.


  • /friend list-requests - List all of your incoming and outgoing friend requests.

/friend remove

Removes the friend with the specified system ID or username.


  • system-id (text, optional): The system ID of the user to remove as a friend.
  • username (text, optional): The username of the user to remove as a friend.


  • /friend remove system-id:abcdefg - Remove the friend with the system ID abcdefg.
  • /friend remove username:Atlas - Remove the friend with the username Atlas.

/friend trust

Makes the friend with the specified system ID or username a trusted friend.


  • system-id (text, optional): The system ID of the user to make a trusted friend.
  • username (text, optional): The username of the user to make a trusted friend.


  • /friend trust system-id:abcdefg - Make the friend with the system ID abcdefg a trusted friend.
  • /friend trust username:Atlas - Make the friend with the username Atlas a trusted friend.

/friend untrust

Makes the friend with the specified system ID or username a normal (untrusted) friend.


  • system-id (text, optional): The system ID of the user to remove the trusted friend status from.
  • username (text, optional): The username of the user to remove the trusted friend status from.


  • /friend untrust system-id:abcdefg - Make the friend with the system ID abcdefg a normal (untrusted) friend.
  • /friend untrust username:Atlas - Make the friend with the username Atlas a normal (untrusted) friend.

Admin commands

/admin blacklist add

Adds the specified channel to the proxy blacklist, disabling proxying in that channel.


  • channel (text channel, required): The channel to add to the proxy blacklist.


  • /admin blacklist add channel:#general - Add the #general channel to the proxy blacklist.

/admin blacklist remove

Removes the specified channel from the proxy blacklist, re-enabling proxying in that channel.


  • channel (text channel, required): The channel to remove from the proxy blacklist.


  • /admin blacklist remove channel:#general - Remove the #general channel from the proxy blacklist.

/admin blacklist list

Lists all of the channels in this server's proxy blacklist. If you have more than 20 channels in the blacklist, a paginated list will be displayed. Click the back and forward buttons to navigate between pages.

If paginated, the list will "expire" after 10 minutes and you will not be able to navigate between pages unless you run the command again.


  • /admin blacklist list - List all of the channels in the proxy blacklist.

Miscellaneous commands


Displays various metrics about the Octocon bot, such as its uptime and server count.

Note: This is the only command with a response that will be visible to everyone in the channel where it was executed, not just you.


  • /bot-info - Display information about the Octocon bot.